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Why Give Private Lessons?

There are lots of good reasons to work for a good English school. A good school can help you develop as a teacher, as well as enabling you to meet other teachers, and a constant stream of students. Also, being employed by an English gives you guidance as to what and how to teach, and  can provide stability in terms of regular teaching hours. There is no question that working for an English school can help teachers to develop and grow, and most people would agree that any English teacher should at least have the experience of having worked for a school.

However, there may be a time, either before, during, or after working with an English school when you wish to be in charge of your own teaching. It may be because of a lack of teaching opportunities at local schools at that time. It may be that because schools are seasonal that your teaching hours are reduced at certain times of the year. It could be that you want to earn more money, or be more in control of your work life. Giving private lessons, be it online or in person, appeals to some English teachers as a better way of life.

By giving private lessons, teachers can earn the full hourly rate, rather than the small percentage that is handed down by an English school. Teachers giving private lessons can have an input as to the teaching method they want to employ. They can also choose which students they want to teach and work with, therefore providing greater sense of achievement when you see that student progress. You can also decide when to teach, therefore prioritizing yourself and having the work-life balance that best suits you.

Whether working for an English school, giving private lessons, or doing a bit of both is best, is completely up to you, The important thing is that you do what works and fits for you.



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